Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Saga of the Donkey and the Elephant

"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat."
Will Rogers.

The Donkey and the Elephant were trapped upon a boat
that leaked so very badly it would not much longer float.
Although the worst of enemies, they prudently decided
twas better to stay nice and dry by working undivided.

And so they held a press conf'rence upon the sloping deck,
and told reporters they were yoked to stave off any wreck.
 Their smiling faces on Facebook were lovely to behold
(although most social media did label it 'fool's gold.')

The Donkey said they must proceed to search out ev'ry leak
and plug them to prevent a future that was wet and bleak.
The Elephant would not agree; he thought twould surely fail.
They ought to have great buckets and begin at once to bail.

The Donkey wouldn't budge an inch, insisting that the polls
showed the vast majority would rather plug the holes.
The Elephant was adamant that bailing was the cure,
and paid a printer to produce a hundred-page brochure.

They argued and made speeches on the ship, both fore and aft --
until the passengers decided they were truly daft.
Lowering the lifeboats, ev'ryone abandoned ship.
The Donkey and the Elephant ignored the heavy drip.

The Ship of State was foundering, and so the Pachyderm
 roared out to the empty decks that ev'ryone stay firm.
The Donkey said about the same, avowing that the State
of their sinking vessel only proved how things were great.

At last the boat gave up the ghost and sank beneath the waves.
The Donkey and the Elephant went to their watery graves.
But mariners who sail by night say you can hear them still --
just as loud and fractious as they were on Capitol Hill. 

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