Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The End of Sears -- How Expendable are Journalists? -- Your DNA May be Under Attack -- Catholic Church to Print ID Cards for Immigrants

It’s also difficult to turn around such
 a large company. Many critics argue 
that Lampert made a fatal mistake
 in merging Sears with Kmart.
 “He merely compounded the problem
 by having two big sick companies
 with many incompatibilities.
 The merger probably doomed Sears.
 K-Mart was already a dead carcass
 when he bought it,” said Rorabaugh.
Jon Talton, in the Seattle Times.

Who killed the Sears Roebuck, I'm wanting to know;
with Kenmore and Craftsman they kept me in tow.
At Christmas their catalog filled me with glee;
their almond bark seemed to grow right on a tree.
They packaged enchantment, to my simple mind;
something with Amazon you will not find.
I pose it again: Why did they go kaput?
It must be the Russians, who wanted their loot.
Or maybe the Chinese sent some Fu Manchu
to sow major discord like fertile fescue.
I've got to blame someone, I can't let it go;
I'm sure Trump will tell me who dood it, y'know . . . 

The Turkish government has arrested more than 200 journalists. More than 40 are in prison in China. Those who can get away with more extreme tactics will use those, too. Precisely because we now live in a global information network, the death of a single journalist could usefully frighten the rest — not only in one country but around the world.     WaPo

Why frighten a journalist when
they're laid off again and again?
How can they survive
the newspaper's drive
to use algorithms, not pen?


In morning tweets, Trump claimed a DNA test shared by Warren on Monday was “a scam and a lie” and called on her to “apologize for perpetrating this fraud against the American Public.”    WaPo

With ancestors no longer free
from rabid demagoguery,
a man's DNA
had better just stay
full cloaked in complete mystery.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore will create its own form of identification card for members of churches, an alternative to government-issued identification that church leaders hope will make immigrants and others who have trouble obtaining identification feel safer in the city.
The mayor of Baltimore has endorsed the plan, and Baltimore’s police force said it will recognize the new “parish ID” as a valid form of identification.
An immigrant in Baltimore
confessed to his priest he was sore
he had no ID;
The priest said "We'll see"
and pulled out a badge from his drawer.

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