Sunday, April 14, 2019

I only know what algorithms tell me

The algorithms that power Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube have a disproportionate control over our lives. And while there are certain controls that allow us to tweak what we see when we’re on these massively popular networks, there’s no real escape.

I accidentally clicked an ad
for hotel spots in Trinidad.
So right away I hit delete,
then went to post my latest tweet.

But algorithms now awoke
and my news feed became a joke:
New recipes for Planters Punch
and having conch stew for my lunch --

I didn't read of Tiger's win
or of the Trumpster's latest sin.
Instead I got how very close
Trinidad's to Barbados.

Bargain airfares now appeared
and advice was volunteered
on the cheapest getaway
all around Montego Bay.

I tried to let my Facebook page
know that I was in quite a rage,
and fiddled with my Instagram --
but they gave not a tinker's dam.

Nothing I could do or post
could rid me of this awful ghost.
And so from now on I'll be seein'
nothing but the Caribbean . . . 

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