Tuesday, April 2, 2019

those narrow streets and thug infested lanes

Cities have thrived over the last decade, as jobs and people have migrated back downtown from far-flung suburbs.

those narrow streets 
and thug infested lanes
which my parents fled
when I was but a tyke.
stranding us out in meadows
 amidst birds and parks
and even a creek
where catfish lurked.
it all made me crazy
and my grades suffered
from lack of 
carbon monoxide.
but now at last I can
say goodbye to clean white sidewalks
and the rioting greenery
that grows like zombies in a movie.
or zombies who commute
no more of that for me
I walk five blocks to work
and live in a pesthole.
but me and the cockroaches
are so happy to be
urban creatures once again
that broken bottles look like tulips.
I don't need fresh air
and wide vistas
but rather the frisson
of hit-and-run encounters.

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