Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Today's Timericks.


Finding laughs is hard today/Things seem more like shadow play/I believe that hope exists/when you cut away the cysts/of despair and stark fatigue/and believe that no blitzkrieg/can prevail for long if we/place our trust in Deity.

She is dealing with parosmia, a distortion of smell such that previously enjoyable aromas — like that of fresh coffee or a romantic partner — may become unpleasant and even intolerable. Along with anosmia, or diminished sense of smell, it is a symptom that has lingered with some people who have recovered from Covid-19.  NYT.

I smell garbage when I eat/roses now are not a treat/And my lover stinks so foul/I would rather kiss an owl/Tell me, Covid, am I doomed/to never sniff a thing perfumed?

Spring is sprung; mild zephyrs blow/But still asparagus I know/as something green and slimy which/makes my taste buds start to twitch/I'd rather celebrate the Spring/with a pan-fried chicken wing.

In a conclusion that even surprised its editors, the 2021 World Happiness Report found that, amid global hardship, self-reported life satisfaction across 95 countries on average remained steady in 2020 from the previous year. The United States saw the same trend — despite societal tumult that yielded a national drop in positive emotions and a rise in negative ones. The country fell one spot, to 19th, in the annual rankings of the report, which was released Saturday.  WaPo. 

Happiness is what you get/when your troubles you forget/All day long you'll learn to croon/mantras that are so jejune/they will turn your brain to mush/telling intellect to hush/Happiness will come to me/only with lobotomy.  

I see lots of UFO's/I report them, heaven knows/Soon the Feds will validate/all my sightings with great weight/Then I won't be called a loon/when I'm kidnapped by Neptune!

Mormonism, like some other faith groups, requires members to tithe 10 percent of their incomes but is more organized and deliberate about collecting it and understanding why members cannot pay.  Washington Post. 

I have never been strong-armed/or told I should be alarmed/if my tithing I don't pay/I'm not forced to so obey/out of fear or as a bribe/in thrall to some pious scribe/I pay tithing as a way/to thank God for each new day/In return, when I'm distressed/I still know I'm being blessed/God is not a financier/All He asks is love sincere.

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