Saturday, March 12, 2022

Freedom Convoy

 "For 23 days starting in late January, downtown Ottawa served as a parking lot for hundreds of heavy-duty trucks, pickup trucks and other vehicles, operated by individuals who said they were fed up with the social restrictions and vaccine mandates meant to contain the spread of Covid-19."


Tommy the trucker was fed up to here;

the rigid restrictions jabbed him like a spear.

Masking and vaccines and other gimcracks

were weighing him down like the gasoline tax.

Nobody could tell him what he ought to do.

He'd act as he wanted and eat barbecue.

So Tommy the trucker and some of his chums

got in their cabs and began beating drums.

They headed to Ottawa while honking and beeping;

which kept lots of people from napping and sleeping.

Snarling all traffic, this patriot Tommy

continued with actions that truly were balmy.

Stores had to close and a riot kept brewing

while Tommy the Trucker and friends kept on stewing.

They wanted strong drinks in their favorite pub

without any masks while they snarfed down the grub.

This Convoy of Freedom, this bandwagon giddy,

was finally stopped by police of the city.

Tommy the Trucker was soon shooed away.

His hero's work done, he went home without pay.

Home without pay, but his head still held high;

he'd proved to Trudeau he was Freedom's good guy.

A seat in the Parliament would be his, at worst;

he just had to learn how to read a book first.

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