Monday, September 17, 2018

An Email from Sister Torkildson in California


Okay, so I have a LOT of catching up to do in the photo department as you can see! We've had some wonderful adventures the last couple of weeks such as: hiking in Laguna Beach at a place called Top of the World; Zone temple trip to Newport Beach! (I've included the goofy one because I don't want you to think that we're completely normal, we're definitely not!); a Relief Society (women's group at church) beach party!( were technically not ON the sand just a few inches from it, so no rules broken ;) ; fun group outings and much more! 
But as much fun as we have had, we've also been working super hard. Since I am a Sister Training Leader in the zone, I get to go to additional meetings to learn more about how to be an effective leader and how to help others in my zone. I learned a lot at this last meeting we had on Friday; we talked a lot about sacrifice ( this topic keeps coming up for some reason) and how it means to make something holy; we also talked about expecting a miracle even when it seems like you're not being rewarded for the good things you do. There was a missionary who quoted something and I really liked it and wanted to share it with you as well: "Pray like everything depends on God and then work as if everything depends on you." In having a mindset like that, there's no way that you won't see miracles! I have also been learning about the importance of sharing what I believe to be true with others sincerely, even though they may seem uninterested or rude. It's hard for someone to reject a statement of belief, especially when it's sincere and heartfelt. So I'm working on choosing to love people and give them the best opportunity to hear the message we have instead of just handing them a card with our number on it. I'll share one experience with that that we had this week: 
On Friday night we had dinner with a member at 5 Guys and as we were walking to our car afterwards we saw a woman walking toward us who worked in the business complex. We decided to stop and talk to her and we came to find that she was recently divorced and going through a rough time. She said she misses church and needs to go back, so we taught her about God's love for her and that he knows her personally and wants her and her family to be together forever. She started to cry and we embraced her and asked if we could share more messages like that with her and she excitedly said yes. We got her contact information and sent it to the Anaheim mission since that's where she lives ,but This was such a tender experience for me to have been a part of. It greatly increased my faith and testimony that God has everything under control and he will put us where he needs us. You truly never know what people are going through, but God does and He will put you in the right place at the right time so that you can help someone else feel how much He loves them and knows them. 
I love this gospel, it brings so much joy and happiness to our lives! I love being a representative of Jesus Christ, I will always hold this time in my life as a sacred experience to reflect upon for the rest of my life. I love each one of you, and I know our Father in Heaven does too! Have a wonderful week! 

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