Sunday, September 23, 2018

Min Tull. Sunday. September 23. 2018

There's this guy, see, named Karl Ove  Knausgard, who's a long-winded Norwegian author. He just finished part six of his super boring novel cycle Min Kamp (My Struggle -- yeah, yeah, like Hitler's Mine Kampf.) The books are all about the 'banalities and humiliations' of his life. Which makes it a best seller in Norway. Norwegians are a clannish, nosy, bunch -- who would rather go through their neighbor's trash than travel to see the Pyramids in Egypt.

The above paragraph, I hope, will disabuse you of the notion that I have gone completely off the rails (again) because I, too, want to detail the daily, even hourly, minutiae of my current existence here in Provo, Utah. In the Valley Villas Senior Housing Complex, run by the Provo City Housing Authority. Where my rent is $250.00 per month, and my utilities are free. (Can't beat THAT with a stick.)

I will pause here because I want to splash my face with William's Lectric Shave and then run my Norelco over the stubble on my flabby cheeks and throat. A daily man ritual I used to abhor but now love like the slow movement of a Beethoven symphony. (By golly, this is going to be a much more classier piece of dreck than I originally thought!)

Splashing William's Lectric Shave upon my flabby cheeks
has become a ritual that with bravura reeks.
Because so many people now in offices and rooms
claim they cannot stand the scent of shampoo and perfumes.
Be damned to them, I do assert; their noses are awry.
Those hypochondriacs, like hares, just seem to multiply.
And if this seems a heartless rant, a thing of Trumpish mein, 
I will admit that I enjoy the venting of my spleen.
But truth be told if all the world were drowned some in Old Spice,
I think Afghanis would behave and Russians would make nice. 

(Joseph Palazollo, a reporter with the Wall Street Journal, replied to the above verses thus:  This is wonderful. I agree: Old Spice could solve a lot of seemingly intractable global issues. 

I always hate it when Amy is right about me. Once on the eve of our divorce she quoted Phillipians 3:19 at me during an unnerving confrontation in our bishop's office -- the part that says " . . .Whose god is their belly . . . "  And she's perfectly right. I have much to say at this moment, but will chance forgetting each brilliant observation that might fall from my pen so I can go boil ramen noodles for 3 minutes, with an egg, and have some prunes and a V-8 with it at my desk while I read the new Church history book "The Standard of Truth." Who knows? I may never come back to this particular piece of drivel again, and leave it in limbo as a blog draft.

10:12 a.m.
Heard an American Robin's querulous cry just now while I was watering and feeding my goldfish (I keep them in a round plastic sled out on my patio -- there's five right now; I started with ten but half have died off or been carried away by the darn neighborhood cats.)

the robin chanting
a vexed lone trill to itself,
not for my big ears

I'm writing against the clock right now. Every morning around ten my spirit and my senses collapse into a sort of rubble, and I have to lie down on my bed to recuperate. Usually for about an hour. It's due to my alleged hyperparathyroidism, which has not been diagnosed but only guessed at by my GP. He wants to send me to a glandular specialist, and now that I finally have Medicare I guess I can afford to go. If I can stop writing about myself long enough to make an appointment and call RideShare to take me to him (or her) and back. My writing is becoming more and more compulsive. But that's a sidebar at the moment. RideShare is another senior perk; they take me anywhere I want to go for $2.50 one way. I just have to call one day ahead to schedule a ride. And, in fact, they just mailed me a Free Ride letter for my birthday this month. Mmmmmm . . . how sweet it is! 

Before I melt into a puddle of bile and creative inanity I have to explain that last Sunday in Church Bishop Pack talked about everyone getting their own inspiration for their own lives. It struck me that lately I have not been asking for specific inspiration or revelation, only chanting a sort of rote of thanksgiving and praise, like giving a speech. So this past week I have been praying very specifically for revelations on what news stories to write verses about -- because it's been very hard for the past few months to find anything I want to write about. Even Trump has lost his shine. And, lo and behold, each day I found 3 news stories that tickled my fancy and gave me great pleasure in writing. So, if you're not a complete atheist or Democrat, you could say my prayers were answered. But then this morning as I was revolving in my mind where I might find some Sabbath stories to write about while stretching and scratching myself in bed it struck me forcefully that I don't need revelation to find news stories anymore. The Lord has granted unto me the ability to extract all the inspiration and irritation I need from my very own existence as lived 24 hours a day. Supremely egotistical, I know -- but there you are; most every revelation that I have ever laid claim to has been about something I already want to do and/or enjoy doing. I never get heavenly messages to do things that are boring or dangerous. If an angel came down right now and thundered at me: "Timothy, thou must do more Family History indexing, lest I smite thee!" I would calmly ask "Just what are my options here, exactly?"

And so, I was led to look up that Knausgard character on Wikipedia just to get my facts straight. He's now written over four thousand pages all about himself, his eczema, his cigarette habit, and a little teeny weeny bit about his family and about living in Norway. Narcissistic to the max, nu? ('Nu' is a Yiddishism that I am fond of using, like 'momser' and 'kvetch.') And that exact same self-involved obsession may just be my new writing motivation for the next several years -- until my reason, my fingers, and my internet connection gives out. 

10:46 a.m.  Headache. Backache. My eyes won't focus. I'm sick of writing this schlock. Time to rub some lavender oil on my wrists and recline on my Swedish memory foam mattress . . . 

11:21 a.m. Woke up with the hiccups. Must have used too much lavender oil.

A thought I had earlier today in Sacrament Meeting:
The best way to kill a joke is to wait 2 beats after it's been told and people are beginning to laugh and then ask "Whadjasay? I didn't hear it." It also makes the joke teller feel insignificant and superfluous. It happens to me all the time, since I am overmuch in the company of old deafies. I never bother to tell it again. And if someone presses me to repeat it I am much more likely to tell them to go to hell than anything else. I think if bile had any commercial value I could be the next Bill Gates. 

Time to get the brunswick stew, the cheese & crackers, and the fruit salad jello ready for the lobby, where I will serve it up to one and all. Drat these hiccups!

All the brunswick stew got eaten -- and I had to endure a half dozen jokes about 'did you put some squirrel in it?" I forced myself to chuckle indulgently the first time I heard that remark; after that I just grunted. I reckon about seven people had a bowl of it; the conversation in the lobby while everyone was eating was about K-rations, biltong, and how dangerous bats are because they have rabies. Many pointless stories were told about bats in garages, in apartments, and bats lurking outside in trees just waiting to swoop down and infect the innocent night stroller. All of the stories have been told before by the same people. Is it a good deed to encourage someone to repeat a rambling tale they've already told me, or should I tell them to shut up and get their dentures shellacked? Maybe Don Rickles had the right idea after all.

It's now 1:40 in the afternoon, and I have nothing to do for the rest of the day. No Church callings; no place to go; no hobby to fritter away my time. As I write this I know I want to start a pathetic lament over my Sabbath loneliness and feelings of uselessness. But somehow I just can't bring myself to get mushy. I feel feisty and combative, not abandoned and ignored. Must be that lavender oil.

I just got a Facebook friend request from some bozo named Paul Edelstein. Lemme go see who he is . . . 

He's single. He lives in Memphis. And he calls himself an artist at Shady Grove Presbyterian Church. He sounds like either a bot or a boob. I'll pass.

An old friend sent me a long email this afternoon. Among other things he wrote:
I suspect you lean more Republican than Democrat, but I think you think all politicians are bad and don't take sides  And you are a religious person and don't fit the xxxxxxx description.  So I respect your thoughts . . .

As far as I'm concerned, the only good Democrat is a Republican. I'm having some font trouble after copying that bit of email. I think I was in Arial and now I'm in Georgia.  I can't seem to get the font to default back to Arial. As Stymie said in an old Our Gang comedy: "This is getting monopolous!" 

I just recalled that when I was at the U of M back in 2002 I took a novel writing class that was taught by a TA, not a regular professor. He just had us start a novel of our own, and spent most of our two hour class time reading his own novel-in-progress; a dreary narrative set in Ohio about teenagers playing with their angst like monkeys playing with a bagpipe. I wrote a complete 300 page stream of consciousness novel for him, which he read chapter by chapter and praised to the skies. I turned the completed manuscript into him for my final grade, and the momser never returned it to me -- in fact, he took off without leaving a forwarding address. I never made a copy of the novel. So I guess that is my Lost Novel. It was about me as a clown falling in love with a showgirl on Ringling. What else? A year ago I found a manuscript tucked away in a Kinko's box -- a novel I wrote back in 1981 called "The Further Adventures of Elder West." A sequel to my very first novel, "The Vita-Goodie Lady," which my former brother-in-law Ben Anderson bought from me for $17 thousand. He never published it. I wonder if he still has it? Anyway, what washes all this gravel up right now is the question: Will this never-ending piece of bosh I am writing at the moment have any kind of narrative arc or closing? Who is the protagonist? Who is the antagonist? Where's all the sex? Why should anyone read this tripe if it holds no suspense or entertainment value? I guess readership will build simply to find out if I ever run out of steam while gassing about the minuscule thoughts and events of my dull as ditch water life.  

I'm gonna go look for something to snack on. 

3:42 p.m.  Had some Genoa salami, crackers, and a hunk of cheddar cheese while I stared at the goldfish out on my cement patio and drank a can of Mountain Dew. It's getting overcast and cool outside. Great weather for a stroll and taking pictures of the barely turning leaves, but the SIM card in my cheap digital camera is full and I'm still not done using the photos for haiku. So instead I'm gonna change the water in the plastic sled -- those goldfish are disgusting dung engines.

Then I'm watching a 1933 movie, Dancing Lady, with Joan Crawford and Clark Gable (and an early appearance by the Three Stooges.) It's available on YouTube for $2.99. After that I may come back to this troubling manuscript to add more insignificant details -- such as what YouTube movies I watched yesterday or who called me yesterday or maybe even statistics about my bowel movements. 


First email response to Min Tull 1:
Google has absolutely no response I can select from.  So let me respond with a picture of my wife taking a picture of the sunrise this morning:

Another email response to this first chapter:

This is really quite engaging writing, especially considering the lack of anything like a plot (or narrative arc, as they say these days). The ending left me hanging--by which I mean, "hoping that your next installment is not about the last topic you mention." Apart from a bit of excess of bile and some strange comments about Democrats, I quite enjoyed this, especially the way you convey a vivid sense of the flow of life, along with some keen observations.
Actually, the comments about Democrats were just fine. They add some flavor and a bit of mystery (that is, mystery as to what your politics really are, if anything). 

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