Friday, November 30, 2018

Hackers, Schmackers; it's old news nowadays -- How to Write a Bestseller -- Federal Employees can be Seen but Not Heard

LONDON — The Marriott International hotel chain said on Friday that the database of its Starwood reservation system had been hacked and the personal details of 500 million guests going as far back as 2014 were compromised.  NYT
Another hacking outrage, and it barely rates a yawn.
These accounts seem stagnant and are badly overdrawn.
The world now, as we know it, extracts data like a tooth;
For good or bad, like Judgement Day, we give up all our truth.


Book sales boom in December, and in the lean months following the holiday peak, even modest sales can catapult a book onto the best-seller list.  WSJ

Bestsellers are written by hacks
who profit from book selling slacks.
In midwinter they
will publish away --
and readers will buy 'em in stacks.


In a move that some ethics advocates say could be an opening to limit dissent, the federal government has issued new guidance for the political activity of federal government workers, warning that weighing in on impeachment or talking about “the Resistance” may constitute prohibited activity.
Washington Post

There once was a government clerk
who said that he thought Trump a jerk.
Tossed out on his ear,
he cried "I do fear
I never again will find work!" 


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