Saturday, May 29, 2021

Please Help Feed Hungry Seniors.



My name is Tim Torkildson.

Many of you know me through my humorous verses that have appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.

I worked most of my adult life as a professional circus clown, before being forced to retire due to arthritis.

For the past six years I have lived in a senior citizen subsidized housing apartment called Valley Villa, in Provo Utah.

I am very grateful to have this pleasant place to live on my very modest income.

But I'm sad to say that many of the residents here are not getting the proper nutrition they need. So often I hear about, or see, residents my age and older who try to get along on a single can of soup and a few slices of stale bread each day. That isn't right.

So I've taken it upon myself to do some home-cookin' for free for anyone hungry at Valley Villa. I make big pans of mac & cheese (not from a box!) I do a lot of spaghetti with meat sauce and green salads.  My slow cooker cabbage soup is in great demand. I make my own cornbread from scratch. And I am a wiz at putting together a healthy, nourishing casserole from whatever I can find in my pantry and a few fresh veggies from the local supermarket.

After all, my wife and I had 8 kids -- so I know something about cooking for a crowd!

I'm telling you all this because it takes money to buy even basic groceries today, as I'm sure you know.  

I'm not asking you to send me anything or donate anything; I ask you to simply read this blog at least once a week. It's painless, takes about five minutes, and you might get a laugh.

As I gain viewers I am paid a little something for them from Google. Not much, but a few bucks extra means I can put some hamburger in my next potato casserole.

You get the picture.

Thanks for your help!

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