Sunday, May 23, 2021

Prose Poem: Written on Jam.


Remember in all those old movies,

how the plot always blew up after

a newspaper headline appeared?

Announcing a birth

a death

a fortune won

a fortune lost

the start of a war

a new hero

or old villain found out?

Boy, that's what I always wanted --

a huge black headline with

my picture underneath

proclaiming me the Eighth 

Wonder of the World.

People would run down the hallway

waving the newspaper headline

like they were signaling a zeppelin.

My friends and family,

especially that snooty cousin

of mine,

would gape until their jaws

hit the floor.


I would modestly disclaim

any special virtue or talent,

 telling reporters I was just an

average American boy with

an average American sweetheart

and an average American mutt

named Pomeroy.


I finally got my name 

in big black headline letters

last week

after I saved a baby

from the talons of a hulking

Philippine monkey-eating 



Every newspaper in the country

ran the story, with my photograph.

And nobody, but nobody,

ran into the room waving

the paper above their head --

or glanced at my headline and

swooned in a dead faint --

or even had the decency to 

yell "Jumping Jehoshaphat!" 

in my face.

The whole thing might just

as well have been written

on jam.

And get this --

my snooty cousin just

went viral with an NFT

of him wearing a crown

of dandelions. 

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