Friday, January 14, 2022

An email from ecclesiastical authorities about vaccination and mask wearing. It's unequivocable.

 Dear sisters and brothers: 

As you know, we are experiencing a renewed surge in Covid illnesses here in Utah.  The Area Presidency has reached out to stake presidents with a message of love, concern and caution, for our stake members.  Given the rise in infections, they ask we refer all members to review and prayerfully consider the August 12, 2021 counsel from the First Presidency on mask wearing and vaccination, which states in part: “To limit exposure to these viruses, we urge the use of face masks in public meetings whenever social distancing is not possible. To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated. Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective.” 

There are no current plans to cancel Sunday meetings. However, beginning now, we ask all members to please wear a mask if you will be in the church buildings, attending meetings, interviews, youth activities, etc. until further notice.  (We recognize that some small children cannot handle wearing masks so adjust accordingly).  We also encourage 1) members to comply with local public health guidelines and act accordingly; 2) members use good judgment and care with the members in your wards and stakes; and 3) bishops and leaders ensure that Sunday meetings are available via broadcast.  Members, if you do not want to wear a mask, we ask that you attend your meetings virtually instead of in-person until the spread of infection diminishes.  

We also encourage all members to look to guidance from those we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators as they strive to make decisions, especially when so many voices across the spectrum of opinion are clamoring for our attention:  we will find safety as we follow the voice of the prophet over any other.  We also remind members of our covenants to “be united in our commitment to the Savior Jesus Christ and His teachings. As His followers, we should treat one another and all of God’s children with respect, dignity, and love. No political or other affiliation should supersede that covenant and sacred responsibility.”  

Finally, next fast Sunday, February 6th, we ask all members in the stake to join in our stake fast.  Please pray for health and protection in our stake, relief for our health care workers, and that hospitals will not be overwhelmed at this time. We believe in a God of miracles and invite us all to join our faith in asking for them.  

Your brethren, 


Kevin Kolling, Stake President

Ruben Arredondo, 1st Counselor

Robert Strain, 2nd Counselor


And from my bishop:

Ward Family:


As stated in the stake presidency’s email earlier this week, “There are no current plans to cancel Sunday meetings. However, beginning now, we ask all members to please wear a mask if you will be in the church buildings, attending meetings, interviews, youth activities, etc. until further notice.  (We recognize that some small children cannot handle wearing masks so adjust accordingly).” Wearing masks in our meetings will allow us to continue to meet and be together.


The stake’s email continued, “Members, if you do not want to wear a mask, we ask that you attend your meetings virtually instead of in-person until the spread of infection diminishes.” That being said, priesthood holders are authorized to administer the sacrament in their own homes, and in the homes of those they minister to, in order to accommodate families that feel the need to stay home at this time.


If you are unable to attend in person, please join with us via YouTube Live. The broadcast will begin after the sacrament has been administered to the congregation, roughly 8:45AM-8:50AM. Below are the announcements that will be made during the meeting and the callings that were sustained the previous week. If the mask requirements are in place next week we will make 2nd hour meetings available via live stream for those who cannot attend with us.


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