Monday, February 28, 2022



Here's your diaper.

Here's your rattle.

Welcome to the mortal battle.

Here's a paycheck,

and a mate.

Try to buy some real estate.

Here's the doctor.

Here's some cancer.

Goodbye. Without any answer.


The Goat smells of a nightmare glade

where piss is sold as lemonade.

It's flesh is eaten by exotics

who then require antibiotics.

The Couch is often slept upon

from late at night to early dawn.

And that's because when couples fight

one of them sleeps there at night!

The Rug is often underfoot,

where it will trap both dust and soot.

Remove it and your floor will dull

with dirt and grease and walnut hull.

So tell your rug you love it well,

and water it with muscatel. 

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