Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reply to a Friend Who is Losing His Job in Hawaii


If you do lose your work I hope you can replace it with a strong sense of play, and of 'goofing off.' There is no better place in the world, not even Thailand, for a man to goof off than in Hawaii. I am creating a theory that the only real difference between men and women is that men never completely lose their sense of play while women do -- that's why they can't bear to stop working ever; but a man should reject the old myth that he is defined by his work. He's NOT; he's defined by his play. In my case, that's writing and creating postcards. In your case I imagine it's playing the drums and pretending to be a sex starved mooncalf. 
Men should dedicate themselves to playing at things, like children. I play at my poetry and photography, just to see what happens -- not to create great art. If there is a serious purpose behind my play I try to obscure it and hide it as much as possible. When God made the giraffe and the octopus I think he was showing his sense of playfulness -- which we mortal men should all try to emulate.
But whatever happens to you, just remember that I will be eating at a Thai restaurant later today and leaving as my tip several gold foil covered chocolate coins . . .

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