Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Verses from Headlines in the New York Times * White House Pressed Agency to Repudiate Weather Forecasters Who Contradicted Trump * New Electric Eel Is Most Shocking Yet * California Bill Makes App-Based Companies Treat Workers as Employees.

It ain't smart to disagree/with a whale when you're a flea/Telling whales it will not rain/will give fleas a lot of pain/Silence never is more golden/than when to a whale your job's beholden.


What the heck is the appeal
of the darn electric eel?
Scientists get tied in knots
with the creature's kilowatts.
Journalists get writer's cramps
from the slimy serpent's amps.
Me, I'd give it such a boot
if it got electro-cute.

Economies may come and go
but workers stay to plant and grow.
In factory or cubicle,
surly or cherubical,
the toiler never seems to get
much more than the chance to sweat.
Laws are passed to give them clout;
still they go the same old route --
drudgery till time of death,
and taxed each time they draw a breath.

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