Monday, September 30, 2019

The Soft Thud of Exploding Udders

The 'Phony Peace' came in 2029. It only lasted for 9 months, and then there was war again all over the map. Even a war in Antarctica. All the penguins were gassed, by mistake, and maybe that's what started the real Peace.
Anyway. By 2031 a genuine Peace began to creep across the world, country by country, until all the politicians were beaten into plowshares and soldiers disobeyed their superiors and marched out to plant pigweed everywhere, so orphans and widows could harvest and eat it. Then the soldiers disbanded to go back home and work in the Post Office. This was a very good thing because people began writing personal letters to each other again, telling about the weather and retailing mild inconsequential gossip about family and mutual friends.
Responsible people took over the reins of government, without a shot being fired or an oaf being hired. Everyone drank much more apple juice, because apple trees sprouted spontaneously and grew to the size of a a two-story house in a matter of weeks on millions of acres of land that had once been military bases.
People everywhere were willing to try new things to become better stewards of the earth. All the coal mines closed. Oil wells were capped. Millions gave up dairy products, because of the amount of methane that lactating cows produce. Dairy farmers just let their herds out of their pens to roam free across the countryside. With no one to milk them, the poor things lowed in agony until their udders burst. I still remember those soft summer evenings when I was courting your mother, when there would come the soft thud of an exploding udder in the distance. It made us thrilled at the prospect of the coming perfect world in which to raise you children.

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