Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Instant Noodle Review: Instant Pad Thai Noodles. Mama brand. Made in Thailand.

These are not wheat noodles, like regular instant ramen -- they're rice noodles. I've always had trouble with instant rice noodles -- they come out a bit slimy for my taste. However, they're convenient -- just throw in a bowl, add boiling water, and wait 3 minutes. I let mine sit a bit longer than 3 minutes, since I was in the middle of composing a little ditty about Kleenex, which goes like this:

My kleenex in the wintertime
Is something like a valentine;
Caressing my red runny nose,
It cushions many viscous blows.
And like a lover, when it’s gone

I mourn its loss from dusk to dawn.

Drain the noodles, then add the flavor packet, the chili flakes packet, and the oil packet. Hot! Hot! Hot! Luckily, I also put in some black beans, scallions, and a pair of fried eggs -- with a liberal dose of fish sauce. So my tongue only steamed a bit -- it did not catch on fire. There's no broth with these noodles -- which I kinda miss. It reduces the satisfying slurp factor by half. And there's no such thing as 'stir fried flavor.'

This is nothing like real pad thai -- but for a quickie b'fast it'll do until ham and eggs come in a capsule like on the Jetsons.

I've put off doing my dishes longer than I realized -- are dishes and utensils supposed to turn green overnight?

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