Friday, April 21, 2017

Lunch at the Provo Senior Center: Turkey Roast with mashed potatoes.

Groucho Marx wrote a stage play in the late 1940's called 'Time for Elisabeth.' It was about a successful businessman who retires and just gets in the way at home so he finally goes back to work. It was not a success. It played the Pasadena Playhouse for 2 weeks solely on the strength of Groucho's name, then sank into a deserved oblivion.

You might say I have rewritten that turkey as 'Time for Timmy.' Only this time it will not be staged anywhere but in my bedroom, kitchen, and living room. So far it has survived the critic's barbs that it was too slow and self-absorbed. I expect it to run for a few more seasons at least, to be replaced at a later date by "Drooling for Dollars."

 In the Old Testament, Isaiah, it says: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." 
While recognizing this as truth and light, I just want to put in a plug for hibernation for old people. Instead of all these crummy naps that spoil my sleep at night, why not arrange the Universe so old people can just snuggle up in their recliner one snowy day and begin hibernating -- not waking up until the Second Coming. Would it really mess things up to cut us fossils a break like that?

Just wondering.

Here's the turkey roast with mashed potatoes, frozen veggies on the side. I even took the dinner roll, I was so hungry today. A sharp appetite is as rare with me nowadays as ears on a bowling ball. They even put out cranberry sauce, although hardly anyone used it -- about two-thirds of the people who eat lunch at the Senior Center are Hispanic or Asian; they have no idea what cranberry sauce is. I saw several old ladies ladle it onto their plates and then cover it with hot sauce.

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