Monday, April 17, 2017

Who Does God Help?

These hand-lettered signs are plastered all over the two blocks between the Provo Rec Center and the Provo Public Library.

They are recent, not having been there last Friday when I walked through the area. My question to the person or persons who taped these up to lamp posts and on trees is "What if you're poor yourself?" Seems kinda self evident to me.

The rich, of course, are always helping themselves to the best of everything -- or so I've heard. Since I'm one of the bona fide poor, and have been from the day I was born and paid for on the installment plan, I have no actual knowledge of how rich people act. And to me, anyone who owns their own house and drives their own car and has health insurance and life insurance and works a full-time job is RICH. Maybe they also have mountains of debt that is weighing them down, but so what? They can cash in and flee to Thailand, which has no extradition treaty with the USA, and live even more like kings -- since a plate of shrimp fried rice in Thailand costs only 75 cents and you can rent a condo on the beach for about 400 dollars a month.

IF we could eliminate both greed and hard work from the world, then there would be no poor people -- or rather, everyone would be merely subsisting. I think that would make a great bestseller: 'THE ART OF SUBSISTING.'  I may have to write it myself one of these day, if I can ever take time off from my busy panhandling schedule.

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