Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Shootings Renew Debate Over How to Combat Domestic Terrorism (NYT)

when I knocked on Crazy Henry's door this afternoon he told me that he couldn't open the door to let me in because he had installed a new deadbolt lock, along with an electronic surveillance system that kept his windows automatically shut and locked and now he couldn't figure out how to work them so they would open. he was trapped inside his own apartment.
"why didja do all that stuff for?" I asked him.
"domestic terrorism" he replied. "I'm trying to keep it out of my life."
and for once, what he said made sense. so I told him to call 911 to come break him out and went back home, where I began looking online for a home security system. but when I saw the prices I decided to bag that and concentrate on never going anywhere where I might get shot, like the movies or work or a shopping mall or a government office. basically, I'm just staying inside like a hermit. I'll be safe as long as I live my life completely online -- until a hacker breaks in and destroys my life. at that point I'll set off to find the Marmalade Fields with my belongings wrapped in a large red bandana hanging from the end of a stick. 

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