Tuesday, January 28, 2020


They locked the bathroom doors at Fresh Market.
I noticed the sign on the Men's Room door last week:
"Bathroom for employees and customers only."
"Ask at Customer Service for key."
Now what do I do for my early morning walk?
I used to be able to walk over to Fresh Market
for a jalapeno/cheddar bagel right at six.
Soon as I got in the door I'd ask myself:
"Is it time yet?"
But my body is sneaky; it would let me shop a while
and then scream:
"Now! Now it's time!"
And I'd have to move fast.
But now, if my body bushwhacks me at Fresh Market,
I may not have time to go all the way to the Customer Service
counter and then all the way to the Men's Room.
So now I shop at night, like a fugitive.
After the day's business is done for certain.
Maybe if I think about it hard enough
and get mad enough
I won't need to take a walk at all.


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