Monday, June 28, 2021

Today's Timericks: North Koreans 'heartbroken' by Kim's purported weight loss, Pyongyang resident tells state media. (CNN)


When your leader's Santa Clause/fat and jolly, there is cause/to be mournful when his weight/has begun to dissipate/Maybe it is meant to show/that their leader won't eat crow.

Why Young Adults Are Among the Biggest Barriers to Mass Immunity.


Young adults don't want a poke/to them it is just a joke/When will callow goslings learn/Mother Nature can be stern/She don't care about your age/when she's on a grim rampage.

Crossing the Red Line: Behind China’s Takeover of Hong Kong.


Beijing always thought it wrong/there was freedom in Hong Kong/so with smiles and vows of peace/Hong Kong's people they did fleece/Now in Hong Kong if you clash/with them all your dreams they smash.

Yankees Can’t Keep Taking the Weekends Off.


Abner Doubleday is spinning/cuz the Yanks have stopped their winning/Fans begin to doubt their prowess/when the team seems such a mou-ese/Casey at the Bat it seems/has become more than bad dreams.

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