Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Sizan


The Sizan burst upon the world last month.
Welling up from a deep cultural hatred
of everything not edible,
they began cooking, not burning,
They made fruit pies
from Huckleberry Finn.
Fish sticks from Moby Dick.
Bread from Catcher in the Rye.
They toasted their success with
a fine wine vinted from
The Grapes of Wrath.
Then they really went on a rampage.
They prepared a scandalous feast
of ortolan
from To Kill a Mockingbird.
A butcher shop they opened,
right in Times Square,
plentifully supplied by
The Animal Farm.
It was named --
you guessed it --
Slaughterhouse -Five.
And they started an orchard,
planting thousands of copies of
A Clockwork Orange.
People fought back, of course.
Books, they said,
should be food for thought,
not food for the belly.
But the Sizan kept on desecrating
the world's great literature,
until there was nothing left
but comic books.
Oh, and The Art of the Deal.

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