Wednesday, January 17, 2018

How Donald Trump Has Upstaged U.S. Foreign Policy

‘Topsy turvy’ is the watchword of the new regime;
Working like the Marx Brothers,and not as expert team.
Sowing discord with our friends, and giving foes a pass --
Our foreign policy is now straight through the Looking Glass.

Will we invade Caracas, or put Asia on the spot?
Is Cuba to be downgraded and Pyongyang made too hot?
Insulting Third World countries seems to be the master plan;
Calling it a poop hole doesn’t do much for Bhutan.

Diplomacy by tweeting has replaced the old Detente;
Intelligence is shrinking and good manners are quite gaunt.
Don Rickles would have been at home at any Embassy,

While Russians rig our Facebook news with snide impunity.

Colleges Brace for Tumult

 in 2018 as White Supremacists Demand a Stage

The freedom to say what you please
Belongs to the birds and the bees;
There’s nothing too wrong
With buzz or bird song --
But humans employ too much sleaze.

Arizona’s G.O.P.

Senators Assail Trump

for His Attacks on

the Press

The next endangered species is the journalist, I fear;
She isn’t very likely to survive another year.
Slaughtered by the dozens and detested by most folk,
There’s no one wants to listen to Cassandra's like her croak.

Presidents and dictators revile her occupation,
While penny pinching publishers do plan for her castration.
Bison made a comeback on the brink of their extinction,
But journalists will probably not have such a distinction.

If you’d like to save one in the wild, I recommend
A newspaper subscription for yourself and for a friend.
Otherwise reporters, like the aurochs and the dodo,

Will fold their tents and steal away, and ever be a no show.

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