Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Letter from my Missionary Daughter in San Clemente, California.

Hello everyone!! 

This week I've learned a lot about how much God values every single person on this earth. I had a few days where I felt pretty inadequate as a missionary, because you have so many people that you're responsible for and a wide area to cover and lots of things to remember to do. I was feeling stressed and I was trying to have a better attitude about life but I just couldn't seem to get out of the slump I was in. I was talking to another missionary who is about to go back home, and I asked her what would be her departing advice. She said that she would tell everyone that they are enough. Enough for the world, enough for their family, enough for ourselves, enough for the Lord. It humbled me so much to be reminded just how precious we are to our Heavenly Father. He knows us individually by name and what we want. He sees how hard we are working to be better, and He rewards us. But sometimes when our focus is only on the negative, we can't see the positive side of things or the blessings that He gives us every day. He has given each of us unique talents and abilities, and it's up to us to use them for good, to help and serve others. I know that when we do that, we are blessed with so much more than we think we give. I am so privileged to be a missionary, to be able to tell people about how Jesus Christ brings us peace and joy, knowing that He suffered all that we have suffered, and more. It helps us have someone to turn to who truly does know how we feel, and can help us get better. I've been supported so much this week by my companion, other missionaries, you guys, and especially Jesus Christ. I will forever be grateful for His sacrifice. If you ever feel like there's no one that knows what you're going through, know that Christ does and he's willing to get you through it. Just take the first step and ask :) 
In the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 1:20 it says that "the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."
Faith works wonders!
Okay, my time has run out to write more, but I want each of you to know that I love you and that you are "enough" for me, for your families, for the world, and especially for God :) 
I hope you all have the best week ever!

Until next time,
Sister Torkildson  

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