Thursday, January 3, 2019

I Wanna Join the Army

The posters are accompanied by promotional videos that show young people in mundane jobs or acting out the stereotypes that older generations hold about those in their late teens and 20s. The videos then cut to scenes of those same young people using their focus or compassion to benefit the Army. On social media, the purpose behind this recruitment strategy was put simply: “The Army spots potential. Even if others don’t.”
by Katie Mettler for the Washington Post

I wanna be a soldier and be recognized for skills
that others only think of as some dire mental ills.
Although the sight of blood will make me quiver and fall down,
I like to use red lipstick on my face like circus clown.
I'm careless of equipment, always have been, dontcha know;
so putting me inside a tank would be a rodeo.
Allergic to loud noises, I can't fire any gun.
But I can wield a slingshot, cuz I'm really quite homespun.
I've athlete's foot and asthma and I don't like khaki pants.
But gee I think the Army would provide me great romance!
 So sign me up and ship me to a far and distant place --
and don't forget supplies like a stout brolly and briefcase!

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