Sunday, January 13, 2019

Idle time and solitude are to be sought, not feared.

Idle time and solitude are to be sought, not feared. 
Jim Michaels 

I sit as morning sun streams through
my window, with a mountain view.
When glowering behind a peak
the sun appears too wan and weak
to be of any use to me --
I like to bask in full glory.
But then, now that my time is done
with working late and having 'fun,'
perhaps the obscure sun reveals
a modesty that my soul heals.
That hidden orb is telling me
that now I should contented be.
And so I scribble my thoughts down,
a pensioned warehoused bookish clown.
I didn't wish arthritic knees
or diverse minor surgeries.
Methought I'd save enough for jaunts
to Bali and still meet my wants;
but those dreams had to be cut short
(because, you see, of child support.)
The Lord has had his laugh with me:
Ambition breeds Obscurity --
is what my tombstone ought to read
when at long last I go to seed.

But on reflection, given time,
this new old age is not a crime.
Let others now race out the door
to tilt with windmills evermore.
Me, I'll sit in silence jolly
(though I never got to Bali)
and so write odes and quatrains which
will not gain me a dime or stitch.
And when I tire of the news,
I simply lay down for a snooze.
My thoughts are still not very deep;
my hair I do not think I'll keep.
Without a car, I take the bus,
or walk a bit without a fuss.
And with a Kindle by my side
old Father Time I can deride.
And who'd a thunk that grand kids could
grant me something like sainthood.
And though the hike is downhill now,
I find I will not have a cow.
Rabbi Ben Ezra perhaps I'm not --
but my old age is Camelot . . . 

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