Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Song of the Caravan

TECÚN UMÁN, Guatemala—A caravan of Central American migrants seeking to reach the U.S. is set to swell in coming days as thousands gather at Mexico’s southern border waiting for humanitarian visas that have become much easier to get under Mexico’s new government.
Around 5,600 Central Americans are awaiting visas at Tecún Umán, on Guatemala’s border with Mexico, Mexican officials said Tuesday. The visas would allow them to continue their journey north without the risk of deportation from Mexico.
WSJ  @jmontesWSJ  

Afoot and determined, we take to the road;
these wide brown approaches to our new abode.
We've heard that fresh visas in Mexico will
give us free passageway up and down hill.

Good fortune is gone from our poor native soil;
the government plots all our dreams to despoil.
Our children as soldiers or young racketeers?
Better we all should break through new frontiers!

We're done with the groveling life of a pawn,
so wear out our sandals to find a clear dawn.
The stars up above testify that our aims
are not addlepated or frivolous games.

We hear that the Hefe up North has decreed
he doesn't want us or our hardworking breed;
he's building a wall that he thinks will prevent
asylum for us without his mean consent.

We also have heard, though it's hard to believe,
he separates fam'lies without a reprieve.
Children are taken from parents by force,
imprisoned and fed only food that is coarse.

But even if true, we are coming his way.
We're using our feet to create a new day;
our numbers increasing, we ask but a chance
to see that our children can thrive and advance.

We carry no weapons, our shield is the hope
that we will find friends who will help us to cope.
Americans, look upon us and construe
that there but for God's grace goes your journey too!

Tim Torkildson
Available for birthday parties and Rotary Club luncheons

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