Sunday, July 14, 2019

All Presidents Must Be Deporters in Chief (NYT) Or, The Godless Godwits.

what's the opposite of deport? not import, obviously. the English language lacks a specific verb that means to bring people into a country so they can go to work and make a new life and pay lots of taxes. cuz working people pay more taxes than trust fund babies.
North Korea kidnaps people all the time, so say the newspapers, and it hasn't done them any harm. we could do the same. kidnap some good chefs from France. kidnap competent tool and die makers from Germany. kidnap anybody from Thailand -- they are really friendly all the time.
the president should be able to deport who he wants when he wants, no questions asked. only he has to shake each one by hand and look them in the eye before they are kicked out -- that way they can always say to their descendents that they shook the chief of state's hand before they were consigned to an island of amber somewhere in the Caribbean. 
and let's not forget the migrating birds. they pay no attention to borders; why doesn't ICE shoot them down by the thousands each fall and spring? or put them into swampy bug-infested aviaries until their case can be decided? that's only fair. that's only reasonable. that's how we do things around here, you godless godwits. 

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