Sunday, July 14, 2019

Studying hot chili peppers with scissors before consuming them

the secret to eating chili peppers is bubble gum.
not just any kind of bubble gum, but Bazooka bubble gum.
they include American Elm juice in their bubble gum;
it can take away the sting of anything, even leftover mashed
potatoes for dinner when cooking is somebody else's job who's no longer there.
the superstition that a sharp pair of scissors will counteract the impact of the chili pepper heat comes from the German hill tribes of New Jersey. it has been picked up by numerous ethnic groups over the years, until now it's as endemic as ice cube trays.
if you have been served poisoned chili peppers the best thing to do is drink a pint of goat's milk and make nice with your children before you go into convulsions. you may recover in a remarkably short time, since there's no such thing as poisoned chili peppers outside of a country western song. but then again you may think yourself into the grave. I've seen it done with an overdose of probiotics.

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