Thursday, July 29, 2021

Religious Americans less likely to believe intelligent life exists on other planets. (Becka A. Alper, for the Pew Research Center.)


"Religious and secular thinkers alike have long discussed what the implications for religion would be if humans discovered intelligent life on other planets. In the United States, highly religious adults are much more skeptical about the possibility of extraterrestrial life compared with those who are less religious, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey."

When an Episcopalian

meets outer space alien

what's the reaction to be?

Perhaps a strict dubiety.


A Baptist is likely to lecture

and tell the poor thing it's conjecture.


An Anglican parson might shake its green hand

but tell it from services it will be banned.


The Methodists a hymn will sing

then tie it up with heavy string.


The Pope could welcome it to Rome,

then say it's just a garden gnome.


A Lutheran, no doubt, would fear

to bring one home to drink some beer.


 If Unitarians saw a flying saucer

they'd quote a line from Geoffrey Chaucer.


Mennonites would keep concealed

a moon man working in their field.


Now Mormons, who have funny ways,

already think that planets blaze

with souls like us  -- so they don't care

if Earth's a cosmic thoroughfare.

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