Friday, June 2, 2017

Email to a Friend

I don’t profess to know anything about women -- Caucasian, Asian, or otherwise. But I don’t understand why you say you won’t be saving money anymore because it won’t do you any good. Are you talking about bank savings? I love having money in my savings account -- it gives helps me sleep at night and keeps my stomach from churning too much.

But anyway, you’ll do the right thing. You always do, even if you don’t want to admit it. It’s early evening here and usually I’d be grumpy and uncommunicative, but tonight for some strange reason that I really can’t figure out I feel pretty happy and talkative. I can identify four things that are making me happy right now:

  1. Adam just gave me a bunch of rewrite work. I was worried I wouldn’t make it until my next Soc Sec check arrives in the middle of the month, but now I’ll have a little something extra to take the kids/grandkids out to dinner, etc., if I want to.
  2. I just bought a cast iron skillet at Walmarts. Bacon and eggs taste so much better when prepared in cast ironware. It’s also a nostalgia thing -- i have many happy memories of experimenting with the cast iron skillet that Amy and I got when the kids were small -- we cooked a lot of cornbread in it, as well as many a Midwest casserole. My kids grew up on casseroles -- and today not a single one of them makes them or wants to eat them. Sometimes I think all their dietary fads are just a form of rejection. Rewind  . . .   I like to think that my cast iron skillet will last beyond my lifetime and that one of my kids will take it when I pass on and that it will be handed down through countless generations of Torkildsons.
  3. I bought a pair of good walking sandals, so I don’t have to struggle with putting on socks and shoes again until October. I hate socks -- my feet get so itchy and hot nowadays that I’m spending a fortune on foot creams and ointments. And they’re not cheap -- on average a tube of foot rub costs seven dollars and lasts me only two weeks. But now with my breezy new sandals I don’t have to use any socks (except when I go to Church) and my feet are staying much cooler.
  4. I found a crazy Japanese anime on Netflix called One Punch Man. It’s basically a send-up of all the superheroes-fighting-monsters anime cartoons for the past thirty years. Excellent artwork and clever writing.
  5. Oh, and one more I forgot about until just now. I bought several cans of Read brand German Potato Salad -- made in Marion, New York. I love to eat it cold out of the can. I had some for lunch, with a piece of cold fried chicken and a ton of pickled beets.
  6. Oh wait -- there’s even another reason I feel convivial this evening! As you well know, I’ve been doing limericks based on newspaper stories for many years now. But rarely have I done them based on local, Utah stories. Today it hit me that I should stop writing about so many national/international stories and concentrate on Utah news, sending it out to the appropriate local reporters/journalists -- and then compiling them altogether as Utah Headlines & Limericks for my blog site. The concept is meeting with a lot more clicks on my blog than I thought it would -- so I’m going to do it everyday from now on. And this makes me extremely happy and grateful - - to feel like I’m a big fish in a small pond (although it’s just another internet illusion . . . )
So there you have it. Normally cantankerous Tim is a pussycat tonight. I’m even doing my laundry right now as I write this, and not feeling sorry for myself for not having a date on a Friday night. Who cares? Date, schmate! Instead, I’m going to have crisp clean perfumed sheets to sleep on tonight -- and it was only a scant two years ago that I didn’t even HAVE A BED to sleep on at all!

Ain’t life grand?

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