Saturday, June 24, 2017

Headlines & Verse. Saturday. June 24. 2017


The only cure for gridlock blues is roller coaster riding.
It gives a guy the feeling that through troubles he is gliding.
Nothing beats the heady breeze as on the track you scoot --
It’s enough to drive a man to give up his commute!
Alas, I’m now too old upon those rides to gaily weave --

Otherwise my hotdog I will positively heave!

Whenever a lawmaker cries
That poor folk are his dear allies,
I have to suspect
There is some defect

That makes him embrace such huge lies.

A ham actor named Johnny Depp
Took a career ending step.
His unthinking talk
Put him in dry dock --
I’d not give you shite for his rep . . .

The ancients weren’t so innocent of cooking up pollution --
Bitumen coated vessels show their culpable collusion.
Their carbon footprint moccasins were just as stained as ours,
Even though they didn’t drive around in swanky cars.
So when I start my lawnmower I now feel lesser guilt,
Knowing shards of pottery are tainting lots of silt!

Henry David Thoreau

When I was but a simple youth I worked a job or two --
Al’s Breakfast had me bus the counter, wiping grease and goo.
At the House of Hanson there were boxes to break down --
A boy could earn a couple bucks at work in Dinkytown.

A dollar and a quarter was the standard wage back then
For kids who came in after school (and all the fremmed’ men.)
I rode my bike or walked to work -- and lived at home as well.
My earnings were munificent --my bank account did swell.

Today I understand that wages have sunk far below
What it took at Walden Pond for cheapskate H. Thoreau.
Fifteen bucks an hour sounds extravagant to me --
But then, I live on pork and beans through Social Security . . .


There was an old woman of Kent
Who couldn’t pay nursing home rent.
When asked, Medicare
Suggested fresh air --

And offered to buy her a tent.

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