Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Photo Essay: Saying Goodbye to Daisy.

This is my youngest child, Daisy Torkildson. She is named after my maternal grandmother, Daisy Gagne. After struggling with finances and physical challenges for several years, she finally received her mission call from President Thomas S. Monson several weeks ago to serve for 18 months as an LDS missionary in Irvine, California.

Daisy and her niece Brooke have a very close relationship -- especially after several ice cream cones at Chuck-A-Rama.

Daisy with her sister Sarah; catching them in repose is like trying to catch a Golden Snitch.

Grand daughter Cici asks "Why can't I be in this photo essay, too? Ain't I just as cute?"

President Rahlf, Second Counselor in the MTC Presidency, set Daisy apart this morning. He graciously allowed me to participate in the ordinance. He lived in eastern Montana and knows some of the same people Daisy knows in Willison, ND.

There have now been 3 missionaries in the Torkildson family; me in Thailand, son Adam in Sacramento, and Daisy in Irvine. Soon it will be time for the grand kids to decide if they are going to step up and serve the Lord in the same way. I hope I am still around to see at least some of them get their calling and go into the MTC.

An LDS Mission is like no other education or vocation. Sometimes it can melt your bones, Daisy.


Here is Daisy's first email from the MTC, written this afternoon:

Hello Family!

Uff da. Times a million. But it's a good Uff da, because I feel the spirit so strongly right now, that I could probably lift a car. At the same time, I'm so tired, I could literally fall asleep on this concrete floor. Anyway, the reason I am able to write so soon is because it's part of our first day activities, which is nice! I'm so happy right now, it's unbelievable. And I know I said goodbye to almost all of you literally hours ago, but I miss you all already. My companion's name is Sister Stout and she's great! She loves to sing, which is a plus for me, and she's from Northern Virginia (I told her about you, Madel) and she's serving in the Reno, Nevada mission. My official P-day is Saturday, so that's when I'll be writing to you from now on. I've met so many people today, that I hardly remember my own name or where I'm going, but it makes me so happy to meet so many people who are here for the same thing as I am: to share the gospel, and serve the Lord. We had a huge meeting with all the new missionaries where the MTC presidency spoke( Presidents Martino, ?, and Ralph) and it was super powerful. We talked about how important it is to have a good relationship with our companion and how we need to become as the Lord is. I was very uplifted at the end. Okay, I don't have much time left because I'm supposed to go to another class, but I love you all so much!  Until next time,

Sister Torkildson

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