Monday, November 14, 2016

Restaurant Review: Wild Ginger. Provo, Utah.

My son Adam wants to retire from business by the age of forty so he and his family can go on LDS missions to foreign countries. He's nearly forty and he's nearly reached his goal; he told me today that his websites produce enough income to pay his mortgage each month, so a little more tweaking and fiddling should see him set for life. I told him he should put in for a service mission to Thailand, my old stomping grounds. His reaction to my suggestion was neutral; but then, his reaction to most of his father's sage advice and counsel is also neutral . . .

I took him to Wild Ginger for lunch today, on University Avenue near the Library. He had a short order of sushi; I had sesame beef.

He seemed okay with the sushi -- he's on some kind of calorie-restricted diet, so he only ate four pieces. My sesame beef was sweet and tangy, almost like barbecue sauce. It was a big portion, so I asked for a container to take the leftovers home -- but it turned out I liked it so much that I ate all of it in one sitting. For all I know my container is still sitting on the table back at Wild Ginger, a puzzling relic to our waiter.

Adam's sushi and my sesame beef cost a total of $20.49. I give the place Four Burps, easy. You can take anyone there for any occasion.

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