Monday, December 18, 2017

Chasing the next Bitcoin

Chasing the Next Bitcoin, Investors Shell Out $700 Million for Coins With ‘No Purpose’

From the Wall Street Journal

Have you ever heard of ‘bubbles,’ like the British South Sea scam?
They sheared a lot of people like they were a little lamb.
The Mississippi Company in France blew bubbles, too --
It gave out paper money that was not worth a cashew.
The Internet at one time was a bubble so immense
That when it burst it left a crowd of paupers very dense.
And now there’s cryptocurrency that’s tempting all the schnooks;
They’re stampeding to be the first to get out their checkbooks.
“Never smarten up a chump” I think old Barnum spoke;

“The world is full of sitting ducks just waiting to go broke.”

Congress Faces Crunch Time on Spending, Immigration

In Congress the clocks do not tick.
And time lays as heavy as brick.
And then in a rush
new laws they do gush
Before they go home mighty quick.

Inside the Home of

Instant Pot, the

Kitchen Gadget That

Spawned a Religion

My slow cooker is obsolete; my Corningware’s kaput!
And even my rotisserie has crumbled into soot.
The Insta-Pot has made a mock of all my cooking skills.
It glazes, braises, kneads and brines, without too many frills.
A fortune I have wasted on my copper bottomed pans;
I should have spent my money on Spaghettios in cans.
I’d stick my head inside the oven range, but then you see
My KitchenAid does not use gas -- just electricity.

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