Friday, December 8, 2017

Headlines & Verse. Friday December 8 2017. Flu Vaccine Revealed as Effective in only 60% of Population

Too Many Children in California Can’t Read, Lawsuit Claims

Forgetting about ABC’s,
They’re teaching our children Burmese.
Or New Math equations
And other evasions
That leave our kids dumb as brick cheese.

Effectiveness of Flu Shot Is 60%—in a Good Year

From the Wall Street Journal

I thought that my flu shot was valid.
As certain as croutons in salad.
But now it’s revealed
As just a cracked shield --
I’m starting to feel a bit pallid . . .


When getting a flu shot I guess
The virus with you can still mess.
Mutating betimes
It executes crimes
That leave you limp as watercress.

Jailed for a Text: China’s Censors Are Spying on Mobile Chat Groups

Consider the plight of poor Chen;
He texted a joke now and then.
The censors got wind
And so he was tinned,
And spent sev’ral days in the pen.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, Please Wake Up!

There once was a juror who snored
Whenever he felt very bored.
The judge in the case
Did also keep pace --

They both sawed enough for a cord.

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