Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Timericks from stories in today's Washington Post


End of an era: E! announces ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ will air final season next year.

And so all mournful Trashian

will have no more Kardashian.

The brawls and scandals soon will cease

and big screen TV will have peace.

What to buy and what to wear

no longer will be their sole care.

They'll have to find some work that's real:

May I suggest they sell fish meal?

Coronavirus cases spike among school-age children in Florida, while state orders some counties to keep data hidden.

Little Johnny cannot read;

and his lungs may start to bleed.

When his teacher starts to cough

still a mask he does not doff.

Little Johnny isn't naughty;

he just needs to use the potty.

 Angels lift him to the skies,

while the school board shuts its eyes.

Hot new job title in a pandemic: ‘Head of remote work’

Now your boss is far away

(and let's hope he stays that way!)

So a new boss takes his place,,

with a smile upon his face.

He (or she) looks at your screen

and can tell where you have been;

playing solitaire all day,

or a slave to Frito-Lay.

Napping, reading, writing poems --

he knows if we work in our homes.

So beware this cyber fink,

or you'll get the slip that's pink!

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