Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Photo Essay: Noah and Katrina

These are Noah and Katrina, my son Adam's kids. He and his wife Adrienne will not be having any more children. It's their decision, and it's my loss.

I asked them to hold hands; this is what they did

At the Provo Bakery, getting a box of donuts. I had half an apple fritter. I'm off my feed today.

A donut in the mouth is worth two in the hand

Noah leans against a cast iron fence at Pioneer Park, with his Aunt Virginia and cousins Cici and Ohen. The guy in blue sitting down is a stranger -- he ignored my entire photo shoot. Never looked up once.

When Katrina showed me this stick/leaf configuration I said "Oh, it's a pretty ballerina!" She replied "Shut up -- it's an umbrella." 

How did Katrina get so freckled? She certainly didn't get it from the Torkildson side of the family

I'm glad to see this batch of cousins can make nice -- I couldn't stand my cousins when I was a kid

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