Saturday, July 22, 2017

The New York Times Mail Art Project -- is it lese majeste in Thailand?

I have committed a crime. Or, rather, if I were in Thailand I would have committed a crime. I'm pretty sure. I used Thai stamps, featuring the likeness of the late King and Queen of Thailand, on a number of mail art pieces that I have sent to American reporters. 
I guess if the Thai authorities never get wind of this lese majeste, it won't matter. But if the Thai government does take notice, what happens to the reporters who have received these pieces? Are they considered collaborators in my felony? Partners in my criminal conversation? Will they be banned from visiting Thailand, if they ever want to go? That would be a very unhappy and unintended outcome of my mail art project. But perhaps it would serve to spotlight the ridiculous martinets that have hijacked Thailand these last few years.

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