Sunday, November 15, 2020

Today's timericks.


Cooking for my neighbors/is not a chore for me/I like to make things spicy/and use cayenne with glee/If they get indigestion/from my keen charity/I lose no sleep about it/since they get it for free.

On Sunday I do laundry, when no one is about/the laundromat is empty/I stare down at the grout/the magazines are shredded/my quarters weigh me down/what happened to my dreams of/acquiring renown?

Judges seem to have no dread/of turning Trump upon his head/whatever schemes he has proposed/has by the courts been promptly closed/the President Elect, I think/will not push on that same thick brink.

Old McDonald on the farm/in the old folks home found harm/they are not equipped to deal/with COVID's deadly spinning wheel/the countryside so peaceful be/with sighs of vulnerability.

Another word for Congress would be 'deadlock,' I contend/those constipated solons will pass nothing or amend/they spend their time in bickering, as if we give a hoot/about their partisan hogwash -- it's time we used the boot!

The carousel that is Peru/has dropped another prez -- boo hoo/with less than two weeks into term/Merino's squashed just like a worm/he's just a transitory chump/unlike our dear own Mr. Trump. 

The active life was not for me/after I passed sixty-three/vibrant seniors blazing trails/makes me think they're off the rails/so light verses I compose/as I seek complete repose/then pass the pillow and a shawl/as on the couch I gladly sprawl. 

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