Thursday, March 21, 2019

Daily Diary. 03/21/2019


Up at 430 and did 2 loads of laundry. The sign posted in the laundry room across the hall from me says don’t start until 9, but I hate doing laundry once the sun is up. I feel like I’m getting away with something to have it all done, folded, and put away before Fresh Market opens at 6. Did I write ‘folded’?  Hah! I mean bunched up into a ball and crammed into drawers by brute force . . .

As I once wrote:  My idea of a thorough house cleaning is to flush the toilet.

There’s a new biography of Mel Brooks just out, which I’m thinking of getting on my Kindle next month, for $24.00. And the new Stan & Ollie movie can be preordered on YouTube for $14.99 -- so already I’m $39.00 in the hole for April, cuz I never stint on good things like books and movies. And food. I like to talk about my ‘budget’ but it’s about as real and concrete as a unicorn. However, in order to impress everyone in the world I wish to announce that I will fight my inclination to go get a fresh bagel at Fresh Market this morning for 79 cents and instead have some shirred eggs with raisin toast. And then wait until I get hungry enough sometime this afternoon to eat leftover meatloaf with canned spinach (which I actually love, sprinkled with vinegar and a dusting of nutmeg.)

Right now I gotta shower, grease up with Nystatin ointment, make my bed, say my prayers, eat b’fast and then try to write in the verse libre style before I fall into a coma and sleep the rest of the morning away in my recliner.


Reading the March edition of Poetry magazine. It leaves me thinking most poets today want to turn mystery into cliche. That’s a cheap way to explain things. I couldn’t even finish the issue. So I listened to several TED talks instead.

Watched Wheeler & Woolsey in ‘Kentucky Kernels’ on YouTube this afternoon. 30 years ago I saw the same movie, which was made in 1934, and thought it was a scream. Today . . . meh, contrived and hokey. I have lost some kind of ability to accept and enjoy things like corny comedians and puckish authors like P.G. Wodehouse or Charles Dickens. I am grown more subtle in my intellect and humors, but no happier.

Junk mail today is from Stewart Healthcare Network. A survey of how satisfied I am with their services. Problem is . . . I don’t use their network; I am signed up with Humana. So how did they get my name and address to mail this dreck to me? I often just tear these things up w/o bothering to open them -- but I’m never quite certain it’s junk mail or something official; junk mail comes disguised as government documents and banking statements nowadays.

19 years ago I had a beef with Wells Fargo -- they allowed the Child Support Services to access my savings account and withdraw everything in it. I was furious, so I closed all my accounts with them. I kept getting letters from them about once a month, which I would immediately rip to shreds. But one day as I was about to tear up one of their letters I felt something different inside the envelope; it felt much stiffer -- so I opened it up and there was a check for the entire amount that had been stolen out of my account, with a brief letter of apology for the mistake.

If I write down the narrative of tomorrow right now, will that influence at all what will actually occur tomorrow? Here goes:
I’ll walk to the Rec Center for an early morning swim and meet a fascinating Asian women who I will take to lunch.

Sarah and Adam will come visit me in the afternoon with their families.

I’ll write several good poems and receive email compliments from the reporters I based the poems on.

I’ll have a bagel with smoked salmon-flavored cream cheese for breakfast.

I’ll buy a book of stamps and keep sending out my postcards to the president for the rest of the month.

Adam will send me a dozen 200 word rewrite assignments.

So now this is actually not a diary entry any more, but a request for a chain email; send it to four people you know, who will in turn send it to four more people, and so on . . . and that way the karmic energy and mojo will be activated and it will all come true. Now to find my New Age crystals to put  under my pillow . . .

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