Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Office Mooch

While such differences may be negligible to employers, for workers in expensive cities like New York and San Francisco, the money saved turning snacks into lunch could mean making next month’s rent. This is especially true for entry-level workers, who often earn at or below the cost of living. Ms. Jennings estimates that free snacks at Vox Media save her about $200 every month . . .

When mooching at the office, for to cadge a meal or two,
don't expect a banquet or a large bowl of beef stew.
But if you are not picky, and have some creative flare,
you can find the fixins for some cheap delicious fare.
Ketchup packets and hot water make tomato soup;
add a lot of Saltines and you have a pleasing goop.
Look for bread and corn chips, mix with yogurt for a treat.
Packets of stale Parmesan and sugar makes it sweet.
And of course bag lunches in the fridge that have no name
are considered salvage, or in other words fair game.
Don't despair because you have become the office mooch;
you'll get a living wage when you have learned which butts to smooch.

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